Player d43mon67 posted a message on 11/06 07:29 on the MadLotto Forum: 1st BUZZZ CUT D43MON67 Need your support! Thank you in advance: D!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  1 8 15 20 30 36  : Winners : 778 

Subject :  1st BUZZZ CUT D43MON67 Need your support! Thank you in advance: D!
11/06/2019 07:29:11

🙋 Vote for me for my first BUZZ CUP 😲😂 I would be very grateful, you just have to add me friends too so that you can Confirm me your support links, I [s]promise[/s ] to encourage you on your Turns ! 👍🍻😎

21/06/2019 16:20:08

Good luck 😉 and by the way, don''t forget my link for my second Buzz Cup 🍸!

https:// 👏

Thank you all for your unwavering support!!!

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